Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Historic Walking Tour
Hitchin Town Centre
7.00pm- 8.15pm
Take a step back in time with a guided tour of our Historic Town Centre.
Hitchin Worthies: This tour starts at the memorial to Hitchin’s historian and ghost hunter, Reginald Hine. Not a household name himself, but Hitchin does have its share of distinguished residents and visitors. The tour includes the house of the first man to translate the Iliad into English, pioneering surgeon Joseph Lister’s school, a unique building saved by a Bletchley Park code-breaker and the place where Henry VIII fled, naked, from a fire! .
Tour start outside the Hitchin Information Centre, 1a Churchyard, Hitchin, SG5 1HR at 7pm
The walk lasts approximately 1hour 15mins and is within the town centre area.
Tickets – Adults £7.50, Children under 18 £5.00